Dang… swooping in to take someone’s coins is just not cool. I find it kinda funny tho. Is any amount of coins really worth affecting your friends’ trust and their view of you?
And people really shouldn’t be getting mad over friends accidentally taking all the gold instead of splitting it. If it’s intentional and done repeatedly, then that’s a different story. But if it’s just an accident, mistakes happen. It’s not the end of the world.
If players can get mad that easily at their friends over swordbattle coins, then they aren’t really your friends.
I was fine, until he started bullying people. I also taught him the evo glitch, and when I tried to teach it to other people, he kept asking, “why tell others?”
Lol, the evo glitch is hardly a secret at this point. It’s great for others to learn it, that way players can defend themselves from others who are abusing that glitch.
Don’t think you should actually spill all your secrets. I mean, my farming method is by far the most efficient one ever, and has allowed me to rise to top 3 and only play1.5-3 hrs a day. Or my PvP style, which I try to keep very closely guarded. They took me a lot of time to master and perfect, and I think the evo strat is just like that. Many of you all would say that evo strat is no skill, and to a certain extent, that is true. Especially against newbs. However, the evo strat serves as a great teaching session. Fisher is all about the ability, and the throw. Giving completely new people 70 seconds of ability to play around with means that they can potentially gain a lot of info on how the fisherman ability works, something that would take other lots of time. Same for samurai, learning to PvP while in the Samurai state is essential to learning how to maximize damage. And you have 30 seconds of run time. Then again, I partake in lots of duels, so………can’t really talk. But that’s just what I think.
I know your farming strategy if you still use your old one I did it with angel once and I pretty sure that is one is one of them your other one I can’t explain with out giving it away
Before I begin, I would like to preface this by saying I am over it and if you want to continue to argue that is on you however, I am done. Sorry for the late response however I wasn’t able to reply yesterday because I was spending time with my family instead of playing an io game for 4th of July.
I appreciate that but the reason why I asked you to was because it was slander and, quite frankly, I don’t think anyone should be put under that category because it is rude and singles out players, without offering them a chance to explain their actions.
You barely had any health left so I stopped breaking a purple chest and was going up to the rook to kill it for you but then you threw the sword thus causing me to run into the coins. It was an accident and I already apologized for it so I don’t see why you are bringing it up.
You just said I didn’t save you but now you are saying you were red?
This is the chest I spent a long time breaking down halfway and I already said something and you continued to break the chest.
As I already told you, I repeated “this is my chest” or something like that, multiple times and you continued to break the chest. So there was definitely intent to steal my coins. The only reason why you left the chest was because you were about to die, not because you didn’t want to steal from me.
You have absolutely no proof of that, and I decided not to take screenshots because I didn’t think it would be necessary. However, Jayden admitted to me after you left that he DID curse at me.
You just said at the begging you joined to both of us meaning it had happened beforehand. Additionally, it happened again after you joined but you didn’t see it because you WERENT with him the whole time.
I was killing the bots i.e. the players with names like “Sally” “Bob” “Michelle” or “Rachel” and I tried to explain that to you but you wouldn’t listen.
The reason why was because I thought that people might abuse it so I didn’t think it was wise to go around telling people.
I don’t appreciate you publicly shaming me and telling lies. I hope that we can move past this. If you really feel the need to message me, please do so in a PM.
How is Jay supposed to know? It sounds like @Faraway_Flame is in the wrong here. It’s rude to categorize someone under a category designed to shame and slander them. I personally wouldn’t side with someone who couldn’t keep their side of the story in check.