Btw, all new code is here: GitHub - codergautam/ at v2
Feel free to make a PR with some updates if you want to speed up development!
Feel free to make a PR with some updates if you want to speed up development!
okay! oh all you have is the .gitignore file. Need inspiration? edit: nvm you have more!
This is going to be good
I don’t know react, so I guess I still won’t be contributing to the client. However, the rewrite gives a lot of opportunity to improve the server code!
I will definitely be helping write the server! If the server can’t run at 60 TPS when I’m done, then I failed my duty.
Of course, I have school, but I’ll try my best.
Let me ask gautam
Yes! You can help with coding, please pull the code and see how it is.
I haven’t got much done in the client so you probably have to figure out some other way of doing testing
is the old swordbattle stuff gonna be there (like accounts, coins, skins, etc.)?
already said multiple times, YES
Lol coder sucks at coding
Less go. Looks sick
I mean i dont really care as long as it improves lag and is asseible on school chromebooks.
Will all of the skins and coins we have on sword battle be transferd to sword battle 2
A post was merged into an existing topic: Shpooky update
So you are re making the game from the start that sounds hard even making the game once sounds hard
Are we going to ha ve a system to migrate accounts?
No, they will be the same accounts. No need to migrate anything.
It will also have 4k graphics all made by me
My source for this fact is
Ur alive?