It will be just an update,but all the games code will be changed
Hope it has powerups and cool skins
Will all our stuff be kept? Or are all accounts going to be reset?
all accounts and skins and coins will be kept.
think of Swordbattle V.2 as a major update.
For the first release, it will be the exact same game just different. These features will be added
Everything will be kept.
That is not necessary something swordbattle can control
Try not to deadline yourself (and anyone else helping,) perfection takes time
What if the Menu Screen had some small animations, Like maybe the clouds moving, would be a cool little detail
He’ll probably add that after rn it’s just a large cleanup of the games code.
I like the idea! I will defenetly add it if someone makes an animated version of the title screen.
progress will be saved
If you have a question, you should look at the previous comments!
Pretty much everything has been answered!
ys plz i come here thinking more news just to see you folks asking the same questions!
Will the new skins be added in swordbattle v2.0 or after?
the new skin release november 12
when is swordbattle v2.0
there is no strict date because that would rush the dev
Am hoping for before 2023
Just remember not to rush yourself :]
Yea you’re right we want a finished game not a rushed game that would make it harder for us and you coder