Continuing the discussion from (unpredictability?) how to: dodge bot swordthrows:
fun fact doesn’t matter what type of player you are you can throw your sword right back at them either guessing or seeing where the bot is or using the mini map for help and using ur iq to hit him OR just use skill or something and easily dodge their throw by going the opposite way or going away from where they throwing their sword * i was doing both of these yestrday and haven’t seem the topic yet until now and i also succed or was able to escape*
@gautam alteast let me respond first bro before closing the topic so i can say what i wanna say I DIDN’T EVEN GET TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. also i had to BECAUSE THE OLD TOPIC ON THAT ONE WAS CLOSED AND LOCKED! AND I HAD NO COMMENT IN THERE SO I COULDN’T EDIT ANYTHING i also not tl4 so i cannot open topics
gautam just now putted the words i made about the tip in the topic and gave ownership to me. you can check for proof by clicking on the pencil and seeing the edits to see.