Coding class - Frager201
PVP class - Frager201+Zarooma
Art class - Slapadabass
Swordbattle history of updates - KingSnakey (i saw your deleted post)
In total: 1 (led by both teachers) pvp classes 1 art 1 code 1 History @F1NN
and @Victor.XenVixOwner what do you wanna teach?
Why not?
How will snakey know past updates?
zarooma so bad he needs help but ill 2v1 them. Me who hasnt played the game in so long and does to bot
I meant actual history
Swordbattle history what i mean by swordbattle high is learning swordbattle skills
or maybe the evolution paths and that stuff and what each path is good for
THE DEATH WHEEL HAS BEEN SPUN (Btw 3 of the names were eliminated by a wheel i did before this)
@Victor.XenVixOwner Srry ur offf
STUDENTS @Uri @ÛÑ-Øreo @ɹǝllᴉʞ @UNglaceon8 @Wasd
Classes are now open
Welcome… MN(Manage). Passwords!
Thats all for now bi
What? there are other classes
Dm KingSnakey, Slapadabass, Frager, Zarooma, or FINN96 for their classes
Hey i legally gave permission for manage too bulli you once sword battle high started
Wait what!
you can ask manage
Plus he requested it
When the student teachs the teacher this is going to be a prime example
manage decided to become a vice (Principal)
Oh good he will just come in and bully me
i think thats was his only reason
Yeah not surprised there D
he gave up 3 classes in doing so