this update is gonna be
wtf this is gonna be fire tbh the wait truly deserves keep it up I really like how you are implementing cool ideas
It can protect you from big people so this looks really good!
V2 is going to be EPIC! I might even livestream when it comes out.
Bruh runners are going to a whole other Leval
Very nice
wait what if you could destroy houses due to damage
and then they respawn. Also I suggest the art to be improved and if u want im here to do the tedious resizeimg. furthermore the doorway should be visible from out side lmao.
You should make rare chests spawn in the builings… so it is not just empty
honestly keep building empty for now bc well need ocntent later not just in v2 update
maybe instead of building add biomes as weel bc random building on the grass would look goofy but if there were different terrains it would seem more natural
And when you destroy the building it would not give coins but be easy to destroy
Can people stop judging stuff this is pre-alpha footage and yall are already complaining
Im gonna redesign the whole map
not complaining. We love it. Also redesign sounds cool
Yay this looks awsome! I cant wait
I feel like big players could destroy houses easily, leading to smaller players being targeted more due to them having to go to another building. To stop smaller players from staying in the building a lot longer, there should be a time limit to go into the buildings, which if exceeded, should cause the player to start taking damage.
nah buildings should randomly spawn landmines in them that if you go onto you lose health. as a general rule i think landmines should be scattered around the map weith at least one in each biome and one in each building
dont wry ill build on it in my dump