I Just Found Out...

Look Skin Hitbox

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I’m 98% certain that’s not how hitboxes work. It’s circular, not a square.


and sword hitbox (when attacking)

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it can be diffrent shapes bruv

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What do you mean by that? As in the shape of the player’s hitbox can change?

If hitboxes really worked like that, it would be very noticeable.

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no i mean it can be diffrent shapes

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But your image here is implying that the player hitbox is a single square, with corners sticking out of the actual skin. If that was actually the case, attacking at the “corner” of the player would give you a good advantage.

I do use this strat, but because it might catch players off-guard, not because the hitbox’s a square.

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join SB let me show u an example like the Acol SKin Has Reach and how the Hitbox is a box

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When that phasr glitch happens wasn’t there a box on the player? Also the hit boxes are the same for every skin and sword. If it looks like the sword hits you without actually touching you, that is because the person who designed the sword didn’t have the hitbox in mind

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finally someone who gets it :augh:

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What I think you are trying to say is that visualising the hitbox on a sword that seems “short” will confuse the other player allowing you to get a combo?

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I thought that box was just an image that takes the place of the skin, not the hitbox.

I joined the game to test out the hitboxes, to see if Victor was right. If he was right, then attacking the corner of the player (not touching the skin of the player) would actually deal damage. But it didn’t, the sword had to make contact with the player circle.

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Yk the hitboxes arent centered on players but hitboxes are not squred its circular like the sword has a set hitbox and each png is just placed on top so that means SWORDS DO NOT GIVE EXTRA REACH



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Oh alright I had no idea what that glitch rly was lol

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Actually hes wrong

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Yeah no offense wasd but dont yap things without knowing

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join up with me in about 5 mins I gotta go get some amma show u (u prob didn’t do it right)

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I never said I did know? It was a question implying I didn’t know what I was talking about ,so you didn’t have to take it as a fact



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