so as i discussed in my post yesterday:
i will be tl3 in seven days. right now, i’m just… waiting. making posts, sure, but i am actually just waiting, seeing my progress day-by-day to getting tl3. not just for tl3, though…for many things, actually.
like, for example - you know how i mentioned a while ago that @Uri would be making me a new pfp? Well, Uri has been done with my new pfp for days now; i’ve only not put it on because i will be using it only after i become tl3.
but that’s not all. i also mentioned in the post shown above that instead of having a montage, as i originally intended, i will instead have my 1mil grind soon after as a tl3 celebrations. (in case you were wondering, this is because of some technical difficulties)
i am just so overjoyed to see tl3 right ahead of me in the near future. thank you all for supporting me through my time on the forum! <3
five days til tl3!