[TL] stands for The Legion . The Legion is a new clan that I made and all players except for toxic ones are welcome to join.
If you want to join [TL] please message me in the chat or DM me.
Roles (More roles will come in the future)
Leader: Leader of the clan. Can decide to ban or recruit members. Able to make rules, and alliances, and declare war. (This role is already taken)
Co-Leader: Able to ban or recruit members. Can make alliances with other clans.
Commanders: Can command Soldiers.
Soldiers: Basic members of the clan.
Nah I just don’t have the time. Also tired of doing everything. It’s not like they stand a chance against 8 goons anyway cuz if they start losing 8 more will be sent in
The fact that you replied immediately proves that you are only doing one(unless you are quite odd and continuously check and reload this website while talking)