Pi guy and sword - perfect, will be added for v2
Clockwork skin - needs some little work / polishing, not sure where but im sure someone can help you
Clockwork sword - perfect
Pi guy and sword - perfect, will be added for v2
Clockwork skin - needs some little work / polishing, not sure where but im sure someone can help you
Clockwork sword - perfect
Whats pi guy?
Also i was thinking skin is good in clock but sword is mid
Add this or i will q.u.i.t
Instead of wasd for the fallen samurai or whatever it is called I put a pi symbol lol
Thanks for calling me skilled :)
do you love me XD
These need to be added
Not added?
needs to be added
v2 is littlreally better then v1 now i able to play swordbattle thank you god.
Frfr these are skins I actually worked hard on
it not giving me those old swordbatlle v1 error making me not able to play it
But why this post out of all the posts here?
i already sented a post about it. and i gave up and waited for v2.
atleast all you need to do is wait for it to be ready and bam you are able to play v2.
Ye but why are talking about this here when you could make a topic or reply on your topic?
that a good question. because the problem been solved with v2 and i was just gonna stop talking about it because it in the past of that goofy v1. no hate here.