all your points are now disproven
since you guys all said this was terrible im making it an editable page so you guys are now free to edit it
if you vandalize it i will make it no longer editable
Bro minion wth
it’s 100% better than urs
this is soo biased
@7Clappz pookie i cant edit how to edit
I may be wrong, but I think you need to reach a certain trust level in order to be able to edit posts set to Wiki? Is it Trust Level 2?
Yall bragging over mediocre kills with easy weapons lmao
wasnt aura monk only obscure till a month or two ago
just bc it has a use now doesnt mean it had a use before
Aura monk was always a easy weapon to stay alive with, I could sit in a little dip in the map and aim my shield upwards and nobody can touch you. It has a constantly active hitbox so if you know how to move you can melt players. It only struggles with range, and unfortunately range is everything. But by no means was it ever obscure. Not even when it first came out (to be fair it was heavily outclassed by the other new weapons)
so aura monk requires good movement to be good according to you
especially with slower sets like pullback + unstoppable
would u not agree that movement is part of skill
Although yes range is indeed important, as a Fire Caster main I argue that weapons like Aura Monk can make up for it with other strengths. From my experience using Fire Caster, it makes up for the range with its incredible DPS (damage per second), and Aura Monk is capable of achieving incredible combos with its active hitbox as you mentioned. Despite this, I will say that I disagree with what you say when it is easy to stay alive, at least in combat. From my experience, Aura Monk has a difficult time competing against AOE weapons such as Grenadier, and a couple of other ones that I have suddenly forgotten the name of.
If my memory is correct, Aura Monk has had a considerable amount of usage since last year.
What’s with all these tierlists? It’s not like any of this bs even matters.
Movement is indeed part of skill. And it can be universally applied to any weapon. You do need good movement to use aura monk with success (or camp), but if you apply that same movement to other weapons you can see how outclassed aura monk is
Yes it is true its active hit-box allows for “combos” but we all know hitstun isn’t really present in realmz, you can easily swing at the aura monk or jump away when being hit. Thus allowing easy escapes for certain weapons (scythe for me) or upgrades (multiple jumps allow a quick vertical escape). And yes grenadier and holy hammer and sniper can hit auramonk through walls easily, but those who use auramonk to hide are the same people who would get a alt and stack mirror and aura monks (ran into it one time and tortured me killing them)