We should make it so that there is a way to kill mods, cap their max hp at 300 and give /heal a 5min cool down. There is no way to stop mods currently, and can we make it so they can’t pull you to a spike and wait for you to die, It’s very annoying and I’ve sadly been killed very too many times that way. They can also kick you out of the server which is kinda .
The thing is you can’t, noobs are a walking xp box all you need to do is break it open. Why would you go the longer way when there is xp right there ready for you? They are also ‘Noobish’ and very easy to pick on.
Dude what
there are no mods in realmz.io, if you got sniped by one its the devs getting on to catch toxic people.
I was literally on while they were doing it (and even became a hacker to do it with em)
Oh and here’s why you got got pulled to spikes.
one of these people got chatbanned too
Seems like your problem to me. Sure noobs are annoying but what if you get a friend to team up with you? Or better yet you teach the noob how to play and do a fair 1v1