Over the years, scores of people have suggested adding a new mechanic — quests. Now, I’ve come to revisit this topic by adding some ideas. (You can only earn these quests one time each to prevent people from “farming” quests)
Seasonal Quests:
Quests related to the season.
Get hit with 1000 snowballs from the yeti boss (Snowman)
Reward: insert winter-themed currency here that can be used to buy seasonal winter-themed skins
(I remember a spring themed currency in an older update, so Gautam might already have sprites for this kinda thing)
Kill people from inside leaf piles (Camouflaged)
Reward: insert fall-themed currency that can be used to buy seasonal fall-themed skins
Stab 50 people using a limited spring flower skin (Poisonous)
Reward: insert spring currency
Swim in the big pond 500 times (Gone for a Swim)
Reward: insert summer currency
Long chains of coin related quests, each getting more difficult
Get 1,000 Coins (Gatherer)
Reward: 500 XP
Get 100,000 Coins (Connoisseur)
Reward: 7,500 XP
Get 1,000,000 Coins (Collector)
Reward: 62,500 XP
Get 10,000,000 Coins (Stockpiler)
Reward: 250,000 XP
Get 100,000,000 Coins (Hoarder)
Reward: 3,500,000 XP
Get 500,000,000 Coins (Hacker)
Reward: 20,000,000 XP
Get 10,000 coins in one run (Ranger)
Reward: 1,250 XP
Get 100,000 coins in one run (Cosmic)
Reward: 12,500 XP
Get 500,000 coins in one run (Angel)
Reward: 62,500 XP
Get 1,000,000 coins in one run (Scout)
Reward: 125,000 XP
Get 5,000,000 coins in one run (Acol)
Reward: 625,000 XP
Time alive:
Quests based on how long you have stayed alive in-game. (Safe Zone does not count)
Stay alive for 1 minute (Newbie)
Reward: 500 XP
Stay alive for 10 minutes (Interested)
Reward: 2,500 XP
Stay alive for 30 minutes (Proficient)
Reward: 7,500 XP
Stay alive for 1 hour (Hooked)
Reward: 25,000 XP
Stay alive for 10 hours (Dedicated)
Reward: 100,000 XP
Stay alive for 50 hours (Obsessed)
Reward: 250,000 XP
Stay alive for 100 hours (Addicted)
Reward: 400,000 XP
Stay alive for 500 hours (Sleep-Deprived)
Reward: 750,000 XP
Stay alive for 10 minutes in one run (Tireless)
Reward: 3,000 XP
Stay alive for 30 minutes in one run (Tenacious)
Reward: 15,000 XP
Stay alive for 1 hour in one run (Persistent)
Reward: 50,000 XP
Stay alive for 3 hours in one run (Determined)
Reward: 75,000 XP
Stay alive for 5 hours in one run (Stubborn)
Reward: 125,000 XP
Stay alive for 10 hours in one run (All In)
Reward: 500,000 XP
Quests based on how many stabs [spoiler] (kills)[/spoiler] achieved.
Stab 1 Player (First Blood)
Reward: 500 XP
Stab 10 Players (Stabber)
Reward: 1,500 XP
Stab 100 Players (Fighter)
Reward: 2,500 XP
Stab 1,000 Players (Hitman)
Reward: 5,000 XP
Stab 10,000 Players (Blademaster)
Reward: 50,000 XP
Stab 100,000 Players (Battler)
Reward: Special Skin & 500,000 XP
Stab 10 Players in one game (Menace)
Reward: 5,000 XP
Stab 100 Players in one game (Hunter)
Reward: 12,500 XP
Stab 1,000 Players in one game (Executioner)
Reward: Special Skin and 100,000 XP
Miscellaneous quests (usually hard to get).
Reach 1,000,000 coins without buying anything. (Miser)
Reward: Special Skin
Reach 1 in a server 500 times (Monarch)
Reward: 20,000 XP
Upgrade Speed to 10 (Swift)
Reward: Permanent 2% Speed increase
Upgrade Health to 10 (Durable)
Reward: Permanent 2% Health increase
Upgrade Regeneration to 10 (Hearty)
Reward: Permanent 2% Regeneration increase
Upgrade Damage to 10 (Strong)
Reward: Permanent 2% Damage increase
Get every quest (Hall of Fame)
Reward: Spot in the in-game Hall of Fame
There could be many more quests, and probably will. This will be a wiki post, so feel free to add your own quests and categories (only if you want to, lol).
As I said a long, long time ago, what now, feels like a lifetime, but was only 2 years:
That’s it for now, CYA!