Skin Idea/Concept (8): The "Penguin" Skin

yes sir @gautam you should make it to where any costom skin of someone that someone will get it even if its not added

fr fr. There should be an in-game mechanic where you can make your own skin just by uploading a pic or somethin.

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will be too complex and people are going to be submitting nswf pictures

K, your right bout that, G.

im talking personnal skins not just any

Some dude’s skin would be like a thicc anime girl.

like if my skin was made I would get it even if its not a skin everyone can buy

Aww look at penguin lmfao

u like skin?

It doesn’t resemble penguin tho
but it is pretty good besides that

Imo it would be better for top 10 only since then no one will buy skins

tons of ppl would buy a skin based on me cuz #2!!! if the skin is god ofc

Im an OG player same thing no?

Not rly since it is easier in the past and a lot harder now

No u gotta be top 10 brutha

Ya fr

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