How dare u… Not only did u misspell my name but you critisize jasper’s, dev3x and MY LOVELY ARTWORK…
Im making a good accurate list dw
Take that back default is s+
Since you guys are incapable of having a correct or good opinion I will show you one that is.
(don’t agree = biased scum that should vanish from the earth so we can have a happy world)
reasoning for every other skin (It is impure with things attached to it)
reasoning for default: When you imagine a pure swordbattle lobby and world, without all the germs and smell and everything is performed perfectly, that baseline skin embodies the look, you see 100s of them having their life, there may not be difference in their look, but personality, and dare I say, on the inside there is very different, its a wonderful circle.
I had a feeling that someone would make a tier list like this as a joke. But I guess this is serious lol.
it is a joke but the reasoning is serious
deep stuff
This was VERY biased
Reason there’s so many d and f… it’s just not appealing to me
lol i made my own tier list thats not a joke and its kinda similar to this
Valid opinion
yay idk why my skins r high ranked
there is no zombie skin
Tbf, it was on the tier list. It’s just a skin unavailable to players (but can be used on bots), so it makes sense why it would be included.
Yea so the zombie bot skin and the heart particle kinda weren’t supposed to be there but I spent 30 minutes clicking on the files for the tier list so I just gave up
ey i do know of a player who has it…
My plan worked perfectly >:D
No way bro put the default skin in s tier…
Wasd has the most critical one yet @_@
lol most of it is how I felt on the second lol and not how I actually feel since it took to long on mobile