
a while back i wouldve used this as an oportunity to plug amc but honestly i do NOT want yall there at this point, rip forum, etc, etc, im sad to see this, or something like that


WHAT THE FreaakCK??? ARE YOU JOKING??:sob::sob:

GG :pray:


yall fr think this is the end, yet gautam is probably gonna keep this delayed till april 1st :skull::skull::skull:

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The clans treatment lol

good economic decision gautam
Good for you

in other words the penguin chad dont care
btw i still support ya gautam

There is a staff colour? Coooooool

so i become next staff :DDDDDD

I would suggest most ppl just stick around instead of leaving cus we’re expecting a lot of new members with some awesome partnerships and would quickly 2-3x the forum in a few weeks. More people = more content = more fun.


Bye everyone

will the url invite link :laughing: still work post-migration or is the website url changing as well?

ima stay since i trust gautam
me knowing you from 2022 has a big role

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when can we expect the switch?

Pretty sure he said 2-3 weeks

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Whats the point in staying when I’m not gonna be playing fricking worldguessr and I actually want to use the forum for swordbattle

Url will still redirect for a year or so but I’ll stop renewing the domain and likely sell / let it expire

Idk still working with partners, its gonna be epic that’s for sure. It could be as soon as this week if things go as expected. I have some awesome plans for this community.

Discord exists, you can also use this place to stay in contact with friends who stay

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Dude I’ve spent 2 years on this forum and its gonna be completely useless soon plus I’m gonna have to use one of the worst communication apps that barely has as much functionality as the forum

goodbye, my friends