Yeah him and whats that guys name again? That one runner/sword thrower?
Yeah exactly easy to kill, just gets annoying to continue chasing him for a year XD is BACK!
Please enter the names of new players in this tierlist if you see any and update players rank when you pvp them!
I’m giving thanks to @ioi for putting great effort into this tierlist
Can i like put mine S+/S
ask OYOY
Skilz u think ur at the same skill level as me?
I mean like yes and no
Its close… I would say it is ok if he is S+
should I take ANGEL off?
Yeah probably ngl… If she joins like a lot again. Then add her to her appropriate place
ok, she’s off
I’m moving down Bob The noodle since he been teaming with Skillz and other players (Also for spawnkilling Alex D:< My big biased opinion )
Bob chill though we settled the argument
he still teams though
Ok ig
im still not here