December 23, 2023, 5:29pm
I reali there is not v2 bug list so this is the definitive bug list
stutter bug
Some other users reported and i was able to record it
Evol bug
Left after I saw this so I don’t know if its purely visual, but it still needs to be fixed anyway. Its very easy to recreate so I’ll see
Auto log out
Every hour I get automatically logged out? Normal or not?
Mob corner interaction
Whenever theres a mob touching of the four edges of the map and you hit it, it’ll fade like it got killed, and then go back to normal transparency and will be damaged and all the normal stuff. There might be more info to this, but idk anything other than this currently. Couldn’t get a screenshot
All mooses are currently known for (in my opinion) is taking a lot of knockback for some reason and being LITERALLY EVERYWHERE IN THE MAP. Idk if this was intended to be a bug, and it isn’t THAT annoying but its so random to see mooses everywhere, and I feel like even if this is intended it shouldn’t be a thing. Plus, every other mob and even lava rocks are kept in their biome’s boundaries.
No more moose :<
Rock pushing getting out of hand
Yeah not much else, title is self-explanatory
Lava and chest layering bug
Chests can spawn where lava is, but the chests are layered over it meaning you can take damage from the lava without actually seeing it. There was another time where a chest was entirely layered over lava, so it looked like I was taking damage from completely nothing and I almost died to it
Internal server error
Logging into swordbattle is already a problem , but now I’m logged out of my account and whenever I try to login I just get a popup saying “internal server error” and along with this ALL OF THE LEADERBOARDS ARE GONE
Visual bugs
Smaller bugs I wanted to address
Buy button bug
Mentioned here
Shop gem counter bug
This is a bug I simply cannot reproduce anymore because I’ve already bought every skin that costs gems, but this was something I remember seeing when I was buying them. When I bought the skins with gems, The amount of the gems in the shop wouldn’t update, and only the counter on the main screen did. I had to re-open the shop before it showed the gems as the new amount
Equipping skins bug
I think this was me…
loading bug
So when trying to view your profile you get stuck on a loading screen then it goes black and say a some errors then reloads
rotation bug
December 23, 2023, 5:45pm
Just to check you were able yo watch the drive video?
Also I’ll make a diffrent topic on this sense we got off topic
For some reason, whenever I try to play in my account, I get set to a default “Player” account with no blue name or skins.
I’ve tried logging out and back in, reloading the game, and opening it in multiple tabs.
February 1, 2024, 1:28am
use the normal link ( ) not ( ) or anything like that.
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February 1, 2024, 11:29pm
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why did i click on the link.
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Cause you where on a school computer used vpn worked just fine
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February 4, 2024, 2:25pm
this is when the wifi is bad and/or the device reaches its throttling point since i used a really old phone (iphone 7+) it might of had issues with performance (plus i was on battery saver)
it will probably be fixed when the game is more optimised ( dosen’t do this when there are more people on)