the best rising pvper?


yeah, i know. you’ll have to wait ig

u just being mean

…im so confused :sob: what?

i am not a prookl betrayer i was never even a prookler

jus becus my nam is prooklgoated and it is true doesnt mean i am a prookl teamer

right, but a username shows a lot of commitment. if i named myself…idk…ramenlover, it means i love ramen right lol

my name is not prookllover

prooklgoated means u think very highly of prookl, so u mimic what prookl does bc imitation is the highest form of flattery

(kinda offtopic so lmao)

I somehow beat shadow that one time

So I think I’m like a B- tier PvPer for that alone

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Just realized i was kinda egotistical with this comment


not me
i only kill bots or players above 2k


Same! Except UN fakers who are scum who deserve death and only death

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mhm like at this point putting un when ur not in undef will literally result in you getting mobbed, guys its not worth it

Fr if you do you are asking for it

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Unless its me

I might have stood a chance against them in my prime back in feb of 2023 before i quit and had my account banned for 8 months i most likely have lost all my skill now.

I would set my user back to SpiffyCayden but some kid stole it and abandoned the account and @gautam said he wont do anything about it