i do both lol
I was a 1.5k ._, and I didn’t even attack you, that’s spawnkilling.
Plus if people just follow you around attack them instead of 1v3ing me smh
I only attacked your really bad “friends” and you proceeded to team on me
Oh, mb then
I wouldn’t consider them my friends
They just show up and start helping me, I don’t wanna be mean so I help them
Personally, I just want to murder like over half of them lol
Do it
yeah, its better to just decline “team” requests if u dont want to, bc then your gonna have a higher chance one of them backstabs u and/or steals coins, or just u dont like
they dont request to team or anything
they just started helping me with chests and bosses and stuff
then start killing them lol
then they’ll team and kill me
(ive tried on one of them)
thats one. just try on others
they’re all friends…
damn lol. try to avoid them then?
i tried yesterday
but i cant grind without at least one of them coming to me
ghost em
me: “i dont know you.” “why are you coming near me” “back off” kills
He cant… but ok
What the
well its rare but who’s counting