what abt me
could i get one
how do u put up a profile banner? im dumb
same, could I have one?
You have to be trust level 2 first
ohhh. Thanks.
Better 1
actually i have to add the sword from SB
ok @gautam here is the requested image with swordbattle only instead of all those games !1!!!
this look cool can you try me next?
would be sweet if I got one. Could you use my amc pfp tho?
it been 4 days now and this is about to close AND WE STILL WAITING if this does close can somebody unclose it just in case he does make them?
I changed the timer to close in 6 months so you’re good don’t worry lol
this feels like a meme
i might not be able to do all of you btw
oh fun fact i just notitced i lost my 10 percent poster badge for thousnad time now. PAIN
Ngl this is easy to do i can remakd that on photoshop in lile 3 min
i didnt take too long on it
alright do it i dare and bet u won’t do it within under 3 mins after you say yes. don’t even start yet start when you say yes to the dare+bet