Who wanna challenge John?

I shouldn’t make this ask community


What is he doing

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just read the various threads about him theres so many people criticizing him

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Idk what hes doing in gsme hes bad tbh

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i actually haven’t seen him for the past few days
have any of yall seen him?
or did he quit :slight_smile:

He’s renamed himself to John Wick. He now thinks he’s a movie protagonist.

John Titor is not a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will.

(Also we’ve sidetracked a lot, I’ll move all these posts. For context, this was all replies following this one)


… I thought that might be him, but he was kinda chill

He probably did that so no one would recognize him by his old name. His cowardice finally got to him.

i see
so as long as he doesn’t start acting like before, I’m removing the kos for my clan

And yet he still pretends to be in UN

I CHallage anyone who questions guatum

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i think ive beat the guy many times, i don’t really remember but I feel like I have tbh

D: IMPOSSIBLE HE RUNS AROUND SPAWN AND SPAWN KILLS PPL ONLY if there was a 1 for most ppl spawn killed, or most running time he’d be up there XD @Victor.XenVixOwner

i only have 1 hour to grind EVERYDAY and u wanted to kill me wich I couldn’t allow happen

Bro I use Max SPD and Berserk as well but at least I ain’t toxic or a sword throw spammer…but I have targeted little people constantly when they are small to make’em rage quit. I bet I can beat John, hell probably anyone can.

PS: I don’t spawn camp, I only do it specifically to one dude I messing with at the moment.

He’s easy to beat, except he runs as soon as he gets low.

Nah ur right. I beat’em this morning. I was honestly expecting a legit fight, but was disappointed for such a talked about guy.

Bro he was online a few minutes ago, he changed his name from John Titor to just Titor. But even so I beat him in a 2v1, killing him and making his new teamate run, who eventualy got killed by sword


ngl Titor is so overated