Tiebreaker will run until March 17, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST.
- @frumpy
- @Slapadabass
- @Yutong - vote me for free coins
In my previous list, slap was better than frumpy, so I vote slap.
Good luck frumpy
SLAP AT 5!!!
Who do you think is going to win?
Frumpy, he has a lot of friends and a lot of people in his clan
Guys make it a tie
Please no…
Tie = I auto win.
Soo nobody wins (:
Zarooma please no
dont vote yutong he lying about the coins he dont got that power
Yutong probably voted himself lol
yeah probably
Frumpys losing
Not for long he ain’t, just wait he has like 30 supporters
How did he get so many?
I get microwave clan, but…
(Yeah I know its not actually 30, but still)
He has friends from school who he got to come on this forum.
I wish i had enough irl friends to do that.