I was told in the comments that it should work when only mouse mode is not enabled. It did not work for either. Please fix.
Just curious, what’s the problem with WASD?
I am left handed, and it is a more comfortable position for me to use arrow keys.
Wait dose it not support arrow keys ?
no i dont think so
bcz i used it once to try it (still a mouse player)
I swear it used to awhile ago not sure how long but eh shouldn’t be to hard to add arrow keys
That was a loading problem
Arrow keys should work
oh ok
It does support arrow keys _IK_zarooma.
He just have a rusty gaming laptop.
Not a bug not a problem either.
Try reloading game and joining again.
ok thx for the help
Arrow keys have always existed. Was there a glitch that removed them?
I have been told this many times, yet each time I try they do not work as WASD.
Okay I haven’t played on laptop in forever and pretty much hate Mobil here
Im left handed too and wasd is perfectly good?
If you’re left handed the WASD is good…
if your right handed arrow keys are better…
WASD is located left side
Arrow keys are located on the right side
Don’t people usually use their dominant hand for their mouse? Not for the keys.