I wanna play on my Xbox
Either that or just hella stretched out
Phew he did it before me
itll be fine if we say “vitamins”
the different kinds are:
“small pills”
“white, powdery sugar”
Yeah sure… no one’s going to catch on to that
its technically allowed
not bad
vitamins are good
u should take a lot
Yeah don’t got to say that again
I didn’t realize the italians would hate on me for this
what would make italians mad?
I belive that D pad should be for like other features maybe up=chat
Dont they like lasagna or smth
Swordbattle might be rly fun on console dunno tho
Either could be fun or not
oh i forgot abt chat
bro loves amethyst so bad
At least Amethyst doesn’t simp for CK unlike U who simps for FC
i dont simp for fc clan, but its my original clan, so i will never leave it.
Theres no way XDD
He would simp for ck but he to busy simping for the owner