
Farewell, younglings. This shall be my last message to the Realmz community. It was my utmost pleasure trolling you and spawnkilling you all ingame. I will forever remember your heart-felt babyrages and the special moments we have shared.

But will I be back? I will check these comments, and if there is enough hate, I will undoubtedly be back to ragebait some more.

Before I leave, I’d like to honor some of the friends that I have made. Thank you so much to Imposter, SAW, Bob the Conqueror, Minion, The Darklord, fishy, aidenw, Polar Drunk(farewell police chief), and a few others for the scrumptious ez baiting that you have provided. My gratitude also goes to Future and Crabcakes for very scarcely muting me. It was a pleasure knowing of your infatuation. Lastly, I’d like to thank my Pookie, my squishy melon, my King, User-Anonymus for all of the love and attention. Goodbye.


rip to the og

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Goodbye but spell my IGN correctly for once.

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When are your bets when he returns, mine is 1 to 2 weeks


here: o7

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LOL thats crazy you should 1v1 me 7clappz your fr only gonna last like a few months
and yk I think im done with rage I had a new perspective on everything (as of 3 hours ago) but still come try to rage bait me I wanna see this, lastly why r u quitting?


You spelled my name wrong.

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I agree with you.

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Mine is he’s diddy

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Polar drunk is crazy u homeless woman