soo, i realized that everyone uses evols in… and i had a thought, what will it be like if i played if i didn’t use any evols?
so i hopped on and immediately got spawnkilled… not a great start… i rejoined and strafed around bots and started getting some coins (for people that don’t know what strafing is check my guide out! )
once i got enough coins for a evol i promptly ignored it (that’s the point of the challenge muahaha)
immediately after, someone attacked me with more coins, a tank and i realized that not having a evol is a very big disadvantage but i was able to kill them and got some coins (i’m #88 on leaderboard for a reason)
and don’t even get me started on chasing the runners
i couldn’t catch up at all because i didn’t get the speed boost from a faster class like knight or vampire. (@anon33846000 you’re going to make fun of me again aren’t you?)
eventually i got killed by 2 teamers at only 32k coins (i wasn’t recording but their names were {CK}_Someone _ and {CK}Phantom) it was a fun challenge so i hope
all in all, i perfer playing sb with evols because it promotes different kinds of gameplay with different kinds of classes. what do you all think?
thanks for reading this long informational article, if you can get 100k in sb send a screenshot here! here is a cookie
i also want to promote my fave artist billy eyelash!! he let me pull through in this difficult challenge!