Graffiti Tech Skin

Just a skin -_- If you want me to add a spray can instead of a sword, please tell me.

Drawing.sketchpad (1)

4d7ec302-7ebd-4570-83f1-58c67f96668d.sketchpad (3)


its uh…

Needs polishing

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it’s a good idea, but it would be 10 times better if it was more smooth

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It’s graffiti, i’m trying to make is look imperfect, like the skin was spray painted. But I get what your saying.

I like it a lot and I can see the vision you’re going for. But i think it would look better with cleaner lines.

It still needs to follow the artstyle too, thats why skins with concepts like that don’t get added anymore

oh, what’s the style now?

Just look at the different graphics in the game like the lava biome texture and stuff thats kinda what the artstyle is like

(The game still has a few different artstyles in its graphics but its only supposed to have one)

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@Eeveeweve , good skin, G. Just outline it more. Make it radiate light if thats what ur after, but even so its proly gonna need an outline.

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