guys how do you pronounce crayon?

Everyone in class was fighting bout this the other day even tho the answer is so obvious
But Im asking you guys anyway
Is it pronounced “cran” “cray-on” or is it something else?

  • Its cran
  • Its cray-on
  • Its something else
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Whoever called it cran in your class is a different level of special


It’s crayon, but cran, you gotta be a different type of special to call a crayon, “cran”

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i eat crayons


I’m not judging yet… what flavour?

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CRAN?! Like cranberry cran?

Oh while we’re on the subject of pronunciation, it was only until last year that I learned that the L in salmon was silent, so it’s pronounced “sam-in?”

This whole time, I must’ve imagined hearing the L whenever people say the word. Also, iron is pronounced as “I earn”? Hilarious that I only learned those things recently. In my defense, English isn’t my parents’ first language, so sometimes their pronunciation’s off and I end up learning the wrong pronunciations.


It’s cryon

“Pass me the red cran”

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whats cranberry cran xdd

yeah it is silent. wait so your saying you thought it was salm-on?

yea lol. i-ern. like an ern. of iron. lmfaoo.

yea lol my dad has this joke where instead of saying stuff we say stuffses

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Like the “cran” in cranberry. I really hope they’re joking when they say they pronounce crayon like that.

No like, sal-min. Salm-on is just way off. Just an L added into the correct pronunciation.

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o lol alr.

fr me too.

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Personally, I say
I-Ron (like in irony)
Sal-Mon (like salmonella)


I think it’s pronounced crayon

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yea like cray as in cray-cray (:crazy_face: ) and then on as in im sitting on a chair

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Crane A on

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Wait until dude finds out about Colonel

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Cray-on, obviously.


I love eating crayons

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Is it cray On
Cray en

If u understand what I mean

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Cray en doesn’t come naturally to me so it is probably an accent thing

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