How dId angle get so mucH kills?

sigh As the protector of angel i have to terminate you, let’s continue this in pms as i don’t want it to smell like blood of a dirty fellow

:augh: stoppp even if it is it’s not ok… (I do the same thing but im pretty sure wasd is ok with it :+1: right @wasd ?)

Don’t worry I am used to this.

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U put a lot of hard work typing that, best english i’ve ever seen

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Ye also angle and angel are starting to blur together and I’m confused why

Why are you the only one harassed? i’ve never been harassed by these weirdos

average angel simp:


Tbh I don’t even know but more likely it’s because of my status here and that a lot of people know me but otherwise I don’t get why they even try with me.

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Maybe they want free mod XD

I-wha- mk yea m- mk yea jus yea

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