How dId angle get so mucH kills?

Me and shAdow and some other ppl where her slav- i mean she was are Commander and we let her spawn kill us till 1k
:sob: took 4 years

So like for 4 years of gl

womp womp


@ANGEL murder number1 the title spelt wrong, oh wait he already got murdered like 200 times

i know how, she was being helped by Doomslayer and a few other people spawn killing :]

Thanks, cuz its opposite day

Angel is mine. * Growls *

What you got a crush on her?

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ummm :smirk:


shhhh… this is private

Gl on that one cause im 100 percent sure you wont get angel

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You’re not being very private about it. Stop.


Also could make her uncomfortable


I’m just roleplaying…ok

Stop capping

m’i ton!

Keep this on topic.

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it says: “i’m not!”

sher cheated