I would like to give a huge thank you to Number1 for taking a break from grinding during my push to rank 3, which made reaching top 3 a whole lot easier/faster for me.
Also, thank you to Wasd and all my other in-game friends for allowing me to kill bosses whenever we were in game together.
I appreciate you all for your kindness and selflessness during my grind :DDD
I don’t plan on continue grinding to keep #3, because my goal was just to get that rank, not keep it. As I am writing this topic, both Number1 and Wasd/penguin are grinding. Heck, probably by the time you read this, they might have already passed me.
Also, while grinding my account to top 3, I also grinded just enough XP through cycling for my third alt to get top 100! So now I have FOUR accounts (that I’ve grinded on alone) in the top 100 , so I own 4% of the leaderboard.
I know I’ve already made a topic similar to this, but I’m certain this will be my definite peak in swordbattle. I never thought that I’d go as far as I have, but now, I think I can proudly say that I was a former top 3 swordbattle player .
Here are some other screenshots if you're interested, and I think I might make a video about my grind too
I only grinded that fast because I wanna get to do other stuff , just wanted to get this grinding stuff over with. I think I’ma start grinding for 2 other people now.
Yeahhh, but this time’s for real. Definitely not going to get anything higher than rank 3. The last time I said I peaked was because I thought a lot of you guys would grind so far ahead that I wouldn’t be able to catch up.