Im friggin bored here’s some random meme i may or may not have stolen
you play splatoon 2?
Yea its better then 3
what did you say.
I like 2 better then 3, mainly cuz stuff has good kits but i still have 3
basically all splatoons are the same but they add a different story mode, and more weapons
Shut up.
Your not a true splatoon veteran.
You have never played splatoon
its quite obvious isnt is…
I played splatoon 2
and the splatterscope is op
Im not a charger main, i use Kensa mini splatting or kensa dualies
how about you all shut it
cause they are all good
No the paint roller and sniper are the best
Not my style, I just like damage, and mobility.
I prefer the reeflux-450 and any charger (besides gootuber)
(Note: I DO NOT TENTA MISSLE SPAM) ((most of the time))
Crap i love reeflux i got 250,000 clout with it in the fest
And a extra 16 hours of playtime
are you ok?