Soo… Im the reason why my dad died… I’ve been holding this guilt over my head for a while now… my therapist is not helping… as most of you know, my dad committed suicide… Only some of you know, He abused me as a child… as less of you know he died from the street drug xylazine… Well he did this because of me… He sent me letters for 3 years apologizing… I never responded to any of them, but when I was 9 or 10, I forget, he called my mom who wanted me to talk to him… We had a 5 minute talk and he kept on apologizing and saying I love you… Well I never responded to those, I just said how I was doing… about a year later… He sent a letter saying goodbye and he was done trying and living… I just wish I could give him a second chance… I will forever hold this guilt over me…
many things affect the outcome of a person’s life- your innocence may of been a contributing factor, but it doesn’t mean it was your fault. You can never control another person’s life- and the fact that your dad killed himself is- mostly his fault. you don’t need to carry the load- well thats just how i will take it. the best you can do is to make sure you are doing well- so other people can inspire or at least, make other people feel better.
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