Max Republican KICKSTARTER (official)

(writers who are particpating in mr need em too)

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ion know abt that i appear random everytime lol since all maxes must have 1 distinct feature (also that may be a chip)

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once you fuse no since its mixed with the other chip to become a better one

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Not every time, I just look different to each person. If I need a distinct feature just give each version like pure white hair. Let me know if it’s still not allowed

Pretty sick as a distinct feature you can have sunglasses on at all times

Yeah either works, or both if ya want to wright it in. I don’t really mind

write* and yeah but just glasses


ace attorney refrence

3 words character descriptions. Ya’ll all gonna start out as M.A.X Drones, so backstories won’t matter.

Ok, so ya’ll could get everything straight I just need PERSONALITY descriptions. You are all going to start out as base M.A.X Drones, getting stronger, learning more, and gaining X-Chips as you make your way through. So no speacial powers or anyother unique gimmicks (other than personality traits) for players. How you will all look: Like a humanoid robotic drone. You may look different through doing stuff like getting in-game cosmetics but thats it.

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Oh so everyone just looks the same?
That kinda sucks :[

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I be smart, deceptive, and EVIL

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This is ok. Monke spoiled one of the chip’s abilities so I will simply murder until I obtain it

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(I lied teehee)


I am competitive, but I’m quick to gain trust, friendships, and alliances.

Traits: Positive, Honorable, Smart


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char desc using personality traits

Evil Wrathful A leader

desc: Im a hater

Btw kinda want to replace bored with selfish