"Hello there! How are you fellow forumers and curious combatants doing today? I’m your one and only: Max Republican Manuel Instructional Monitor. Or ‘Mr. MIM’ for short. This is the wonderful game of MaxRepublican. A tory game where you teens, the players, will have to solve puzzles, battle fierce opponents, and travel across this wonderful world! Ready for action? Mystery? Suspense? Murder? Blood? Genocide? If this interests you, then fear not, Mr. MIM has you covered.
“Interested? GREAT! Now I’m sure you might have some questions about this whole game, but like I said, Mr. MIM has you covered. Below you will find multiple slides that I made that should answer all your questions!”
How To Lose?
You lose both of your lives. Oh, silly me, I forgot to tell you a small detail. If you die in the game you die in real life. Oh wait, that’s not you, that was the others. I’m sorry, Mr. MIM has been in production with M.R for a while now. My information board gets scrambled every now and then.
How To Win M.R?
To win M.R you must be the last be the last M.A.X drone standing, or at least survive, but I believe you’d have a better chance at survival if you killed everyone, but that’s just my opinion. But the REAL way to win, your ultimate goal, is to become “FREE”. If you wish to escape and beat the game then you must become “free”. How you do that is up to you.
How Will We Play?
There will be a reply post where ONLY GAME-RELATED POSTS AND REPLIES, like players saying what they’ll be doing, will be allowed. G-MAN, Monke, and A-Bot will be on writing the story based on what the players say. Now there will be a small cool-down, so the other players can do stuff and say their actions, hopefully making it more fair. There will be puzzles to solve, a vast area to explore, X-Chips to collect, and fierce enemies to battle.
What Will Player Inventory look Like?
Like this:
-Neutron Bomb
-Tycoon Key
-Machine Gun
-Book: “How To Fix A Tank.”
-Chip 1
-Chip 2
-Chip 3
-Chip 4
Hurt, but can still function well. Large slash wound on chest.
How To Explain My Character? (IMPORTANT)
Just so the writers can be able to let ya’ll have conversations and do things that are corresponding with your in-game MAX Drone we want you to pick 2 or 3 personality traits from this list below and tell them to us in this reply section.
Positive, Negative, Depressed, Droopy, Lazy, Wrathful, Sassy, Comedic, Controlive, Aggressive, No Emotion, Jumpy, Hungry Always (fat), Bored, Honorable, Sneaky, Ignorant, Smart, Cunning, Deceptive, Crazy, Loyal, A Leader, Scared, Cocky, Rash, Inspirational, Fast-Paced, Messy, Clean, Polite, Calm, Humble, Greedy, Evil, Social, Timid, Goofy, Silent, Loud, Explorative, Child-Like, Innocent, Stradigeist, Happy, and Stupid.
What Are X-Chips?
You don’t know what X-Chips are!? How? They are SOOOOO big in your journey. In Max Republican every MAX/Player has 4 chip slots. X-Chips are like Mega-Man power ups. Each one is unique and gives the user unique and powerful abilities and skills. But be careful, as you only have a limited set of X-Chips, and so do other players…
Who Are Relictors?
Easy. This is the M.R term for “Bosses”. In M.R there are LOTS of deadly opponents, but the Relictors are the strongest to offer and are capable of killing MAX Drones with ease and are very dangerous. BUT in return for their defeat they drop Chips and supplies. There’s even a rumor that if you manage to kill all the Relictors and acquire a special item you could become ‘FREE’. IDK, tho. It’s just a silly rumor.
The rules for M.R:
1-No cussing or being rude to others for exactly no reason, unless your trying to as malicious as possible but no exceptions or cursing.
2-Each player has only 4 chip slots.
3-On the actual game post, when it comes, only people that are playing the game and are trying to do stuff are allowed to reply and talk in post. Any replies M.R (in-game) unrelated are going to be flagged and deleted.
4-Have fun. That’s the whole point and don’t be too serious. Ok? Can you do that fro Mr.MIM? GREAT!
5-No cheating!! Idk if that’s even possible, but don’t even try it! Caught cheating will result in immediate MAX Drone destruction and game forfeit.
6-Teaming is allowed. BUT the more kills a MAX Drone gets, the stronger they become. SO if your a guy who keeps 1v1-ing other players, then you’ll most likely be stronger than those on a team.
Shout out to:
- @Monke
- @A-bot_Moonblade
and for being one of the inspirations for M.R - @Faraway_Flame
- @penguin
- @Slapadabass
- @Hue
“Done reading? Sweet. I hope that this peaks your interest enough to join. Down here is a poll for those wanting to join. Just know that I, Mr.MIM will cheer you on always! JUST DON’T DIE. No-one likes losers.”
- I’m Ready to Win Max Republican!