Here i asked people if they wanted to take part in Q and A Question And Answers
Questions And Answers:
What IS IT:
If you do not know i am scared
Just where people ask questions about people and people answer
How it works:
You can vote in poll if you want to join and i will create a topic explaining a bit about you that you DM me people ask you questions and you reply them with answers SIMPLE
Be polite.
Stay on topic.
Ask clear and short questions.
Ask one question at a time.
Avoid repeating questions.
Be open to different viewpoints.
Give constructive …
In the comments ask the selected person a question and they will reply
Be polite.
Stay on topic.
Ask clear and short questions.
Ask one question at a time.
Avoid repeating questions.
Be open to different viewpoints.
Give constructive feedback.
Don’t attack personally.
Listen without interrupting.
Ask relevant follow-up questions if needed.
Ready when you are @penguin
If you want to take part vote in the poll in the top link!
What country do u live in?
Have any pets?
Favourite Animal?
Favourite person on forum?
Favourite SW Skin?
i has in the pew pew fire nation
Have any pets?
do slaves count?
Favourite Animal?
penguin ofc
wasd ofc
Favourite SW Skin?
me think u meant sb skin, idk what sw skin has. fave sb skin is da sad skin bc its such a horrible skin but is unobtainable in v2 so ppl think ur stupid or smth and that perfectly describe me
1 Like
dis is ama but other ppl force me into a ama. i too bored to take this srsly
Ask me anything but there is a 25% chance that I won’t answer and I won’t tell you that I am just ignoring you and you will wonder forever if I’m ever going to respond
oh waits, my v2 ama is still open someone merge dis with AMA PenguinLord V2
danke in advance
March 21, 2024, 4:25pm
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