So, you know the thing that I alluded to in a separate post?
Here is the sporting event it will be based on.
The UEFA Champions League.
I will also be making some changes.
Instead of each player being each team, each player will be each country. (Im not getting 80+ players)
The matches will be random, but the players will be weighted based on their stats. Without further ado, here are the players, how many teams they get, and when their teams enter!
Preliminary round.
(Sadly the forum only allows me the top 50, so im skipping this)
Qualifying Round 1
Da_Bestestet (50)
BeeBoi (49)
Sea (48)
IP (47)
Nukes (46)
FwipyFishy (45)
Lemon (44)
GiggaPoggers (43)
Queen_Psycho (42)
Korbreeto (41)
Twofoursixeight (40)
Penguin561 (39)
ProPVP (38)
Faraway_Flame (37)
Lewcantoucan-107 (34)
SpiffyCayden (32)
TigerLizzy (31)
FLARE (30)
MKwolfie2011 (29)
LaVilla (28)
Frager201 (27)
potatolord (26)
NeverWinCSGO (25)
F1NN96 (24)
3RG3R (23)
vul (22)
Mitblade (Not calling you by your other name) (20)
Fish (19)
cosmidragon (18)
Anon (17) (Using that because of player limit, I need every player)
DesertShadow (16)
Wasd 2 (14)
Acol 2 (13)
Dev3x 2 (12)
Harsh 2 (11)
Assassinator (15)
Wasd (14)
Bread 2 (10)
Glaceon8 2 (9)
frumpy 2 (8)
hue 2 (7)
ANGEL 3 (6)
Hamm 3 (5)
Acol (13)
Dev3x (12)
Zarooma 1,2,3,4,5 (1)
Manage Passwords 1,2,3,4(2)
Gautam 1,2,3,4 (3)
Slapdabass 1,2,3,4 (4)
Hamm 1,2 (5)
ANGEL 1,2 (6)
Hue (7)
Frumpy (8)
Glaceon8 (9)
Bread (10)
Harsh (11)
The draw is on Monday, while the first qualifying round will be this weekend.