So I’ve been thinking, they are a few swordbattle videos on YouTube
but have you ever thought of Swordbattle’s Official YouTube Channel?
Obviously, we will need editors and everything but first this needs to be approved by @gautam himself
Basic Information
Obviously, it will be called
The logo will be made by me
the banner will also be made by me
so ill be like the thumbnail-making guy
They could be more makers than just me because I’m offline more than before
This is what is going to be the MAIN point of the channel
(I remember a topic about an SB yt channel before but seems like it died)
More Info will be added
I think there already is a sb yt channel
Yeah, but the old guy quit.
yep thats why i made this one
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ok I will try to give you some video recordings of good kills (if I can achieve that)
ur on a school computer prob there is videos tho or was
im not on a school computer where did you get that
Sometimes videos get blocked or hidden because of school
they said the video was deleted
May 19, 2023, 12:24am
When it was posted it was hidden, but it got deleted soon after
There used to be a official channel there was only a poll then coder got rid of it the poll was about teaming only 4 people did it and I was the only one who but stab them XD
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