The Forum Elections Sign Ups: November 2023

Welcome to the second ever presidential election of the forms. Every 6 months we hold an election for the members of the forum to vote for who they want in a certain position. You may sign up to campaign for one of the following:

  • President - Make very important decisions in the forum.
  • Vice President - Fills in for the President when they’re gone.
  • Secretary - Manages general chat.
  • Treasury - Manages the forums credit debit card. (We have no more credit cause we’re 1M in debt :sob:)

As a recap of the last election the people voted into office were:

  • President - Angel
  • Vice President - Glaceon
  • Secretary - Slapadabass
  • Treasury - Hamm

Use the poll below to sign up as a candidate. Please note that you should prepare some form of way to campaign to help gain a following. Some examples may be, posters, videos, propaganda, etc. I will announce the campaigners and they may begin campaigning on November 5th. I will give the dates for voting then as well.

What will you run for?
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasury
0 voters


  • You’ve been on the forum for over a month.
  • You haven’t run for the same position more than 2 times.

Other things:

  • These positions are just for fun, they don’t give you any special abilities within the forum.
  • If anyone resigns then you’ll have to wait 6 months for a re-election because you chose an inactive person to be in office. :skull:

Lol, only 1 person picked secretary… (also not me commenting on my own topic so more people see it and join, haha)


Luckily at least 2 people have signed up for each position so one person doesn’t get in by default. :sweat_smile:

leaders should not be allowed president because they already are pretty much

This gives nothing tho it is just for fun after all


shhh u r not even running for president

Pls can i be Receptionist so i manage new users

Or Quality control i manage topics so things do not go crazy

or I got it bookkeeper i manage all the books
wait do we even have books

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Why are we in debt?!!?

I bought tons of expensive tea. Quickly Wasd, think of a great excuse no one will question!

Uhhhhh idk couldn’t be me tho

Hope you vote me :slightly_smiling_face:

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don’t worry use my infinte credit card to get your tea jokeVery very small text

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Me who secretly went in Wasd’s dreams and told him to buy lots of tea

Yeah, it was totally Wasd! You should get better at spending money!

What no I never said that

looks around


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Vote for me :saluting_face::saluting_face::saluting_face::saluting_face:


Forgot to post my campaign topic here, sorry for not doing this earlier!



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Vote for me:

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