Welcome to the Siege of Stories! I’ll be your host, along with my co-hosts Shadowblade and SCP-049! This is a competition where you’ll be writing stories and be the last one standing! This is the signup topic, so enter yourself into the poll below to sign up!
The rules: There will be five rounds, each with a prompt and a twist! (ex: come up with a 2 page story about _IK_Glaceon that is written like the script for a documentary) Each round will last five days, to give you a little breathing room, and the minimum for each story will be 3 well written paragraphs. The stories will be judged in three categories:
Creativity- 5 points
Grammar- 5 points
Execution- 10 points
Each judge will give you a score out of 20, the highest score obtainable is a perfect 60. Good luck! See you when the Siege starts!
- Yeah, I’m in!