so if you don’t know I actually really like, and so i was so happy when this announcement from the gatdamn dev, @lilshake, came out. Have a look:
I can’t wait for this to actually happen - I bet will be like 10,000X better after the “v2” for releases. @lilshake, I have a feeling your site traffic will skyrocket after this new update. This sounds epic!
Do you know if there is a release date (can be approximate) for this? I will be waiting!
Thank you so much for your kind words!!! This really means a lot, and I do hope that V2 will perform better (in terms of avg engagement and all too)
So here’s the rule with io games actually… if the MVP takes more than ~2 weeks to build then you’re probably doing it wrong😅, because they are supposed to be simple games where the “addictive multiplayer” and the incremental part is focused on more.
As of now I have the mechanics and shooting and death and all that nailed down but some
- Character customisation like gatdamn 1
- Huge weapons menu - (will ask my staff on how this could be best improved and iterated)
- More LOD to the map. This is not limited to easer eggs, just more objects in the game like a tampolene or jetpack or power ups… The voxel look fits very well in going from 2d to 3d because in gatdamn 1 also I had very simple pixel art which can be easily upped to voxel art, and I want to have similar things from gatdamn (maybe even a rickroll lol) , like the cyber cafe building, a bit underground (this will manifest as cave like biome)
Here is a very crude version without all of the above, but the end goal is to make gatdamn but in the horisontal plane. Will be ready with the MVP in as early as 7 days (tbh I can even keep deploying current builds to heroku) and a full game by end of this month
I am using babylonjs on both client and server. Server is still a websocket server in nodejs but it only depends on babylon and nothing external anymore (in gatdamn io I made a windows dedicated server that worked with nodejs to handle the server side logic like collisions but hosting windows vm is extremely expensive). But a nodejs server can easily be hosted literally anywhere.
Just on the basic heroku, I’m able to sustain like 80 concurrent players without much drop in server fps.
Babylon js is just fantastic. Did you use pixijs??
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Thats cool, I use the canvas api and im switching to webgl right now (no libraries)
Vanilla WebGL is reallyyy rigorous, all the best!!
Hey! Here is a crude playable version. A lott of things need to be added and its not even close to completion but its a preview of how things will be.
Controls and instructions
- Very similar to V1. But here it is WASD to move in the horisontal plane and space to jump.
- Mouse pointer decides your direction and left click to shoot. (no right click, auto scope as in camera zoom)
- Use number keys to change weapons
Features that will change soon
(infinite ammo in all weapons) - I have to make some kind of ammo regeneration system so this was like a quick workaround
(No weapon models for many guns especially machine guns and UZI) - So I am currently looking for 3D weapon packs online to see whats the best and has everything (and is free lol). In an ideal world I would design this myself in blender because its not that hard in low poly but to get things going there are many packs out there. I thought this one is kind of cute, might upgrade current weapons to this
Also the server is in US so anyone playing from outside of US and especially asia can face significant lag. Later I will add a EU server as well so anyone can switch between the 2. I set the location to us because I saw that 50% of traffic is from there.
Also a really cool part is that the Seed based room names work (like Minecraft), So different worlds are genearted every time and it is a unique world for a unique room name. Even Im yet to see some cool seeds