W` owns all the skins but only has ever earned about 134 million coins to own all skins you need 141 million coins this amount excludes the anniversary skin which was free. You can re-add all the cost up and find that I am right
Also you did forget to account for the halloween skin, but its only like 50k coins so it really doesn’t matter.
I don’t think you should jump to the conclusion that w’ is cheating. He could have gotten the gold from giveaways on the forum or something. This is insufficient evidence (but is something worth mentioning i guess)
also he couldve bought some of the skins when the glitch with the store happend it gives u lots of money and if u bought a skin when the store went back to normal u would be in the negatives but as soon as u get back up out of the negatives the skin would be urs
There was also a lot of other ways to earn coins like giveaways, challenges, etc
I agree
2 of the skins where free for a limited time pumpkin skin and anniversary also what did he do to you to have you go figure this out
thanks! But I never won any giveaway. I am pretty new in the forum and stay inactive most of the times. Tbh this is really a good find, and I’ll keep you all wondering : )
This is the total coins I have rn:
Yeah so you got 36 mil skin/anniversary skin free and this dude added it into his math I don’t think you where here for pumkin
I got both pumpkin and anniversary skin for free, and he didn’t add them in total. The total without the anniversary skin is around 141mil.
He did say that and original so your fine did you like kill him a ton and make him mad lol
tbh I don’t even know this guy. The account is 7 hours old, idk who this guy is.
That doesn’t make sense. If that was the case I should be in negative balance rn, because I don’t have the total amount of coins required to get all the skins. But I have positive store balance…
Dang lol well not the first time this has happened to people acol and angel have both been accused of cheating cause they had multiple people on there account at the same time lol
no u wouldnt cause idk who it was but they bought the dragon skin when the store was glitched and they took a screen shot to show me that they only had about 700 coins and they still had the dragon skin but before the store was glitched they didnt even have enough coins to buy the cylinder btw i wasnt accusing u of anything i was just saying it was a possibility
Most Likely @SpiffyCayden ban evading and trying to expose people like he has been trying to @Undefeated_zarooma check the account out
The prices have changed over time… man y’all are stupid
fr -_-
listen dont call me stupid i havent been here long and i havent seen any price changes
It’s common sense that prices will hang… cmon guys and it’s not just you it’s everyone here especially the op