What else should I add in the Fall update

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I might

make the weapons do more damage

make the sword animation faster

make it easier to break some crates i cant count how many times i was mining and got ran up on


for what lol

You joined 14 minutes ago

yes why u saying thank you tho

Cause he might add old dragon skin? 50m?

i thought u were saying thank you too me i dont know how forums work

That i happen to own

:face_with_raised_eyebrow::no_mouth: .


how i get more coins im only getting 13k per game

Just keep playing

i am but i litreally only end up getting 13k each time

i just started playing yesterday i’ve played 39 games and got 13k almost each time

can i see


what is your account name?