I realized it’s been a while since I updated v1 so planning to make a small update this week or next week smtime
Frumpy provided some new assets but are there anything else you want me to add?
I realized it’s been a while since I updated v1 so planning to make a small update this week or next week smtime
Frumpy provided some new assets but are there anything else you want me to add?
I’ll pick maybe one or two things I like and add them
I have a question about the fall update (kinda), will the halloween event be returning from last year?
What if I make it 50v50 that would be fun… Like since fall zombies vs humans or smth
And also what happened last year? Kinda forgot
there was a halloween event that featured a free skin and custom assets
oh yeah! i’ll make the pumpkin free again. good idea.
custom assets are done by frumpy, i’ll change the color scheme stuff
that’s a bit tight, prob not
make a new skin update!
Dude add the gravestones again. That was fun. Also its been around two years since thw coin has changed in easter. Maybe make them into jackalabterns.
There used to be gravestones? Also I want to make something where you have a 5% chance of spawning as a zombie and you can infect others
I dont want to change the coins as they are kind of confusing to players
Thats cool. Remember yhe gravwstones with player names on them?
You have a screenshot or commit ID?
I think they were chests. Not sure. Been a year
Eh its fine. Nvm. Do coins change tho
add the mace
This is swordbattle not realmz
ohy mb
If you don’t want swordbattle stuff in your feed go to the home page, press manage categories and just select the ones you want.
Bring back old dragon skin
Nahhh, also I’m probably going to make the evolution selector hide button if zombies are too hard