What is the best sword battle skin

What is the best sword battle skin?

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@Slapadabass dragon skin (and can yall stop making post abt me bruh)


You have mod you can edit posts :p

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Dont feel like it

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(I aint a real one cause it will get removed eventually)

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It was positive tho

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Well it’s too hard for me to pick the best swordbattle skin. We had a V1 skin tier list topic tho.

Once the next skin update comes out, we should make a V2 one.

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I was already thinkin about it but we NEED a skin update soon bruh

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shadow og

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Skeleton is just a picture so not skeleton


Take that back before an angry mob shows up.


I disagree

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I agree


Best skin is whatever one I wear. Currently I’m wearing the Pawn skin, but tomorrow imma go default. But fr, G, Default is best skin. Its simple. Creative. An OG. and the most popular.

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bro. have you seen the og anime

You use pawn skin??? I thought it never got added! :’D

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technoblade skin cause TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES

I always die tho
so am I representing him in a good or bad way?