I have been pondering on what skin I should buy scythe or laser foil.
I like the scythe skin but I prefer laserfoil’s sword
LASERFOIL make it 65 buys
Or 145 for scythe?
Scythe, it looks cooler
Please don’t buy neither both 64 and 144 can be square rooted perfectly!!
Well 64 can be cube rooted so does that mean I should buy scythe?
Get scythe since its a og skin and won’t be buyable in v2 supposedly
- Scythe
- Laserfoil
Yea do it buy scythe
Im a only 1 skin type of guy
scythe was AAprodsYT profile pictuRE so you should buy that one for tribute.
(current pfp also has a scythe in it)
Scythe. Its more expensive
As a professional i say scythe
The only Skins I use is Mitblade and Acol for fr- no reason
Scyth was the original expensive get it now I can’t believe you do t already have it it’s a classic
just buy b0th hehehehe