who else likes... poll

THis is for eating, not for anything else


  • yes
  • no
0 voters


  • yes
  • no
0 voters

Bird nest soup (i think it was called that)

  • yes
  • no
0 voters

fish eggs

  • yes
  • no
0 voters
1 Like


I’m not an idiot buddy, i know what it means

de donde eres @Pro_Gamer213


los cojones es mi comida favorita

yo tambien jjajajajjajaa

quires jugar a swordbattle.io junto

que te folle un pez

why this kid annoying me

mods pls ban

i am only talking about studying math in school, but he is saying some rude things


why you are saying bad things


where did you get all these foods?

i be suprised if @OBSYDIAN or @frumpy @frumpy came and said no to insect if they are really frogs

Ping me again and I’ll rearrange your solar plexus :3

My what now?

i have an what now?