Just wanted to see, who’s the best mod/staff in the forum?
Pick up to 3.
- Dev3x
- DillonB07
- Ethan
- Fish
- HarshitT
- ManagePasswords/CosmicWarlord
- Mitblade
- Codergautam
- Zarooma
- Hugo
Comment who you picked, and why you picked them below!
Just wanted to see, who’s the best mod/staff in the forum?
Pick up to 3.
Comment who you picked, and why you picked them below!
I chose fish cause duh cosmic cause he handles things well and Hugo cause I don’t know who he is
i should be next mod
or helper
i pick
1.ANGEL she doesnt abuse her power and give everyone a second chance to redeem themself for example if a person does something that is not forum tos then she would give them another chance. she also stays up late to watch over chat
2. you. Your nice great dev u deal with situations calmly.
3. warlord. Doesnt really ban that much people or abuse his power hes super chill.
Pick fish bc hes fish
Dillon bc hes cool. I mean theres cool and then there is dillon cul
Picked myself bc yes
Who is hugo?
I would go Dillon but he is not active pretty sure he hopes on each day but just to clear ping Hugo is now a meme
u think i should be the next mod?
A coder who was given admin to install plugins may. Have been put to mod now don’t know
Yeah who should be next mod?
nice lol
me im the perfect fit
Oh wait there is now a dude Hugo with mod what?
So much for new joke coder explain the new person?
wht abt me:(?
i should be next mod right?
u need to be more active
Hmmmmm. Sure
Hugo is helper he was invited by coder in may so early fourm I’m not alone in helper group now but I assume some one coder met outside of fourm